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Deploy Environment Example

Building Application

Prior to deploying application into AWS, Docker image should be built first. To build the image, clone the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd app

And run:

$ make build


After image is built, you will need to push it to the DockerHub. To do so, log into DockerHub first:

$ export DOCKER_PASSWORD=<your dockerhub password>
$ export DOCKER_USERNAME=<your dockerhub username>
$ echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username "$DOCKER_USERNAME" --password-stdin

Tag and push image:

$ make publish

Deploying Infrastructure

In order to deploy a staging environment with all required AWS components, a dedicated terraform module was created.

For detailed explanation of AWS components used and their respective Terraform resources, please see module's respective README page.


The following is required to be installed on your system:

  • terraform
  • awscli


To deploy infrastructure, clone the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd terraform

Configure your access and secret key within awscli, specifying region and default output:

$ aws configure

Copy example.tfvars to terraform.tfvars and using your favourite editor, update values to suit your needs.

$ vim terraform.tfvars
region               = "eu-west-2"
domain               = ""
appsilon_subdomain   = "rshiny"
rds_username         = appsilon-user
rds_password         = sup3rs3cr3tpw
rds_db_name          = "appsilon-db"
rds_instance         = "db.t2.micro"
appsilon_version_tag = "c9a417a"

Run terraform init to initalize modules:

$ terraform init

Run terraform plan to view changes terraform will make:

$ terraform plan


Run terraform apply to create your resources:

$ terraform apply -auto-approve


Wait for ECS task to be provisioned and head down to https://<your subdomain>.<domain> to verify the application had been deployed and is reachable.

Cleaning Up

Run terraform destroy to destroy your existing resources:

$ terraform destroy -auto-aprove
